Tell us about your current role?
My current role is M2M Application Specialist working in MMG and responsible for the M2M (Metal to Money) stream relevant change requests implementation and BAU support.
What inspired you to have a career in SAP?
After I graduated from university, my first job was working in one consulting firm, where I got the opportunity to be part of one SAP implementation project and support the end user SAP training. The successful project, positive client’s feedback and excellent project team work inspired me to continue my SAP career path.
What are the main obstacles you face in your current role and how do you overcome them?
The main challenge currently I am facing is how to leverage the existing and/or new SAP functionalities in the right sizing of work to enable business improvement. Sometimes I have to help business to re-validate the requirements and consider some rapid, fit for purpose and low-cost approach to cater for them.
What is the best thing about working in SAP technology?
I think the best thing about working in SAP technology is you can get to be around inspirational and fun people. People are very supportive and always willing to help.
What does equality mean to you?
Equality means we celebrate our diversity, while we treat each other with equal respect
What advice would you give you to a woman working in the SAP ecosystem and looking to advance her career?
First, I would say is to identify what you want and dream that you can accomplish it. And then you need to create a network of support that allows you to succeed. Finally, you also need to be clear on your priorities and balance your career and your life.
What can we all do to inspire more women into working with SAP?
Personally, I would encourage to attend some SAP seminars e.g. SAUG Conference and build up some Women’s professional connection/groups.
What female inspiration have you had in your career?
I have been inspired by many inspiring leaders and mentors in my career. They are keen to listen, fully support to fulfil my dream and show a perfect role model to me.